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We look at the body as a functional unit. Ligaments, tendons, nerves, muscles - how the body functions together as a unit.
Your body has multiple different layers - all of those layers have to work together. We focus on all of your layers.
Headache and facial pain symptoms may range from episodic to continuous and can have a significant impact on functionality and quality of life. These are among the most common pain disorders in humans, and can be challenging to live with as well as to treat. Our physicians are experienced with the treatment of a variety of primary and secondary headache disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and other facial pain syndromes.
Neck pain is the 6th leading cause of disability in the US with an estimated one-year prevalence of 25% overall, meaning that 1 in 4 Americans experienced an episode of neck pain in the past 12 months. Pain emanating from the neck can be attributed to degeneration and/or inflammation of the bony spine and its small joints, intervertebral discs, ligaments, paraspinal musculature, and nerves. A combination of causes is common. Neck pain also includes whiplash-associated disorder, which is commonly encountered in motor vehicle accidents. About 1/3 of rear end motor vehicle accident victims go on to develop chronic neck pain. Our physicians are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical spine pain syndromes.
Lower Back
Low back pain is one of the most common symptoms that prompts patients to seek medical care and is the leading cause of disability both in the US and worldwide. The one-year prevalence of low back pain globally is estimated to be about 38%, meaning nearly 4 in 10 people experienced an episode of back pain in the past 12 months. Pain emanating from the back can be attributed to degeneration and/or inflammation of the bony spine and its small joints (facet joints, sacroiliac joints), intervertebral discs, ligaments, paraspinal musculature, and nerves. Back pain may be axial (limited to the back and buttock area, not crossing the knee) or radicular (radiating to the leg or legs). Our physicians are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spine pain.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder, is one of the most common chronic diseases in the elderly, and is a leading cause of disability. In the US, it is estimated that one-third of people over the age of 65 have OA. Hip pain is usually related to osteoarthritis, but can also include bursitis and tendinopathies. Post-surgical hip pain syndromes are also common; meaning a patient still has pain in their hip despite joint replacement. Our physicians have a number of treatments for painful hips, including advanced treatments like Cooled RF ablation and dorsal root ganglion stimulation.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder, is one of the most common chronic diseases in the elderly, and is a leading cause of disability. In the US, it is estimated that one-third of people over the age of 65 have OA. Knee pain can be related to osteoarthritis, injury to the ligaments and/or meniscus, trauma, or post-surgical. Our physicians are experts in diagnosing and treating knee pain, as well as identifying patients who require surgical referral.